
Movie generated by Marc Duruflé (Univ. Bordeaux/ INRIA Magique 3D) using the code Montjoie

On the occasion of Patrick Joly’s 60th birthday, a conference was held in his honor to acknowledge and celebrate his decisive scientific contributions in the mathematical and numerical analysis of wave propagation. Considered as one of the leading scientific personalities in the domain of Computational wave propagation, Patrick Joly has devoted his career to this topic from mathematical aspects (applied functional analysis and PDEs, integral equations, operator and spectral theory, scattering theory, asymptotic analysis, complex variable,…) to numerical analysis (finite differences and finite elements, discontinuous Galerkin methods, boundary elements, domain decomposition methods,…). Most of the subjects  he has addressed have been motivated by applications in industry or in other scientific fields (mainly in physics). He has been the thesis advisor of 46 PhD students, 31 of which have obtained a permanent research position.

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